Images of a moving city


Karel Doing • 37 minutes • Netherlands

Images of A Moving City (2001)
Karel Doing
37min., Netherlands

Friday 27-07
Drijvend Paviljoen

Cinema Concerts with Oceanic and Das Ding: The Dream and The Nightmare.Two generations of electronic music producers perform a live show for two completely contrasting films: a visual poem about Rotterdam and psychedelic dark anime.

Oceanic scores Images of a moving city

Rotterdam’s rising talent Oceanic (Job Oberman) performs a new live score for the dreamy, visual documentary Images of a Moving City made by Karel Doing. The black and white images take you along the streets of Rotterdam, its inhabitants, the buildings, construction work and everyday urban objects. The camera work is an ode to Rotterdam and it uniqueness as a city. (Re)-explore the city; Oceanics ambient music will guide you.

The concert is made possible by Popunie