
Location: AVL Mundo

Doors open from 20:00, film starts at 21:45

Regular ticket € 9,50

Discount with Rotterdampas, Cineville  € 4,75

Discount with CJP € 7,50

Bring your e-ticket / printed ticket

If you bought a ticket with discount show your discount card at the entrance

No refunds, we offer substituted screenings if we are forced to cancel the screening

The Night of the Beast (2020)

Mauricio Leiva-Cock • 70 min • Colombia, Mexico

Heavy metal is alive and kicking in Colombia! In The Night of the Beast, we follow two young metalheads on their way to the legendary first-ever concert of Iron Maiden in Bogotá. Walking aimlessly through the capital’s alleys on the day of the concert, their friendship is tested when hoodlums steal their most valued possession: their tickets to see their favorite band ever perform.

Working with real heavy metal fans instead of professional actors, Leiva Cock tells an honest and heartfelt story about fandom, different from the narratives we often get to see in films about Colombia – the ones being about drug trafficking and corruption. 

Putting from his own experience – Leiva Cock and his friends went to the 2008’ Iron Maiden concert and thought it was the best night ever – this film pays tribute to the Colombian metal community and his friends who belong to it. For us, it makes us long for that ecstasy you feel when seeing your favorite band perform. This film was not only approved by Iron Maiden, who saw and loved the film, it also moved their though metal souls. In collaboration with music venue Baroeg.

English subtitles

Dutch premiere



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